Sophie in Africa

Last night at home

Kategori: Preparations

It started with counting months. After a long time it turned into counting weeks. Later it became days, even hours. Now I am close to minutes. The day I thought would never come, is now here. It was always a fantasy, a dream far away from reality and definitely not within reach. I thought about what to bring, how to organize my stay and just what I would do; but never did I think about that future one day becomes the present. I searched my inside about why I am doing this in the first place. I think it is a desire to see something different from what I'm used to, open my eyes and see more of the world. I want to help, to see if I can help and to learn more about my own capacity. It is definitely a challenge, and I don't expect it to be easy, but I think this is necessery for me. That of course doesn't mean that I'm not nervous, because like hell I am.
So, what do I do my last evening at home? Just the usual, hanging in front of the computer, watching TV and eating a normal dinner. My life is about to take a rapid turn, but I like to have this evening very normal. In a way that is comforting.
Nevertheless, I finished my packing today (almost...) and here you see some pictures of it. I think it is pretty funny that I am allowed to take as much weight on the plane as I weigh myself, but I'm not going to. I have a lot less then I'm allowed to, but I think I have enough anyway. 
Open trunk
I have no idea when my next update is going to be, just be patient and you will notice.
Bye bye Sweden, hello Africa!


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