Sophie in Africa

... and back to normal

Kategori: Tanzania

Now I have been back in school for a little more than a week and it has not been as tough as i thought it would. Since it is a new term now many students don't come to school in the beginning so we have had pretty small classes and the afternoons free which feels nice. I have missed the kids, many of them I haven't seen for over a month. I like when they smile towards me and run to me wanting to play with me. They fight to take my hand and when I tech them they usually giggle. Still, they see me more like a funny play-mate than a teacher. I have to work to get the same respect from them as they give to the other teachers.
I discussed with my contact person here about some changes for the centre and I feel like it has improved. Just some small things, like shorter lessons and more play time. Now I personally think it is more conductive and better for the kids.
I don't have so much to write about, but on Saturday my visitor arrives and I am curious to see what she thinks of the school and everything here. Just another few days!
December was a rainy month, but January has until now been very hot. I am still adapting it, but sometimes it is a little tough. The African sun feels different than the European, but I like it.


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