Sophie in Africa

Things are starting to come together

Kategori: Preparations

Today was my last day in town, if not something unexpected occurs, and today I also got my final preparations ready. Now I just have some smaller things left to organize, but nothing I can not do from home. I switched malaria profylax today because I got some side effects from the one I had which were not nice. The new ones are terribly expensive, but I'd rather have expensier medicin than some I can't sleep from... it was pretty funny to go to the drugstore and order 14 boxes of it though. They had only 11 in store, so I had to go another one to get my last boxes. 
I felt a bit sad to leave Karlstad, because I have lived 19 years in this town (well, just outside of it). I mean, I really want to see something different, the world is big and I have a lot to explore. I just feel a little wistful. Karlstad, I am going to miss you!


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