Sophie in Africa


Kategori: Tanzania

Last week-end I just felt like I needed a break so I decided to go and visit Moshi. Moshi is a city in the north of Tanzania, about two hours with the bus from Arusha, where most of the volunteers go in Tanzania. Therefore, Moshi is also the city I thought I would be staying in before I came in contact with the project in Namanga. Moshi has been a city I have wanted to visit for lang, but it is far from where I live so it is not easy. But last week-end, I managed to go. I left early in the morning from Namanga and arrived in Moshi about noon. Moshi looks different from Arusha. There are fewer people living there, but the town is bigger. The streets were wider, is was a lot less crowded and also other things were different. For example, I saw a lot more tourist shops there, in Arusha I have barely seen anyone. Moshi was also a lot cleaner and seemed somehow more modern. It had a different feeling from Arusha.
I don't know really if I did anything special, I just walked around trying to understand the city (I was very happy for my map). But it was nice to switch environment for a week-end, even though it made me realize that I kind of missed Namanga. It has become my home while I'm here, and it is a very anonymus feeling to be in a bigger city. I am really a local celebrity in Namanga. I think also, after finally have visited Moshi, I am happy to have stayed in Namanga for all this time, even though there are also some negatives with smaller villages. I mean, if I would have lived in abig city, I would not have visited the countryside for longer. But now since I live farout, I visit the cities. I would have lost about half of my african experiene if I wouldn't have been here.
On sunday evening I came back to Namanga after a loong bus ride. Very tired, but happy to have made a visit. The coming week-ends I will stay in Namanga before I leave for my two weeks of free. It will be esciting, but also weird to leave the people I know here now. And my God, how much will I miss the kids! To live without them, even though they can be very annoying, ist something which is a mystery to me now. I just have to enjoy the time I have left with them.


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