A visit to Mt. Namanga and elections in Kenya
Kategori: Tanzania
This saturday, the 2nd, I made a visit to one of the mountains around Namanga with some friends from the catholic church, who I play volleyball with. They invited me to show me a cave there which all Namanga gets its drinking water from. The cave is on the Kenyan side. And no, I don't have a Visa for Kenya, but if I am careful and don't cross the border too often it's fine. Just across doesn't disturb anyone... Anyway, we left after lunch which proved not to be the best time, since it is in the middle of the worst heat and right now it is hot here. We climed for about an our, over stones and through bushes with very tired legs in the end. At some places I got a beautiful view over Namanga, from above it looks really big. It streches over a big area. Finally, we were there and the cave was really nice. Cool, under a rock and surrounded by trees. We met some youth from a Kenyan pentacostal church there and also a sister from South Africa who was there on a retreat. Very nice. I enjoyed to talk to them, as I have said before it is easier for me to get contact with Kenyans because of language and also other reasons. After a few hours it was time to get back, and of course it went a lot faster than the way up. We also saw baboons, funny, didn't know they lived there. It felt almost as if I was back on the safari again. After that day I was really tired, but also happy. I have been missing this, to see something more from Namanga surroundings that doesn't cost money. And this was exactly what I was looking for. I am really happy I had someone to go with, because otherwise I would not haveknow that cave even existed! And also a bonus: the water up there was clean, cold and very good. Finally another taste than this boiled water. Yuck.
Yesterday there was an exciting day in Kenya: election time. Since I live on the border and meet many Kenyans, and also the only radio station you can access here is Kanyan, and the Kenyan newspapers are in english (= I understand), I know that this election was a big deal. Last time, the elections ended in a war, so everyone was just hoping for a peacful day and so it turned out. Hopefully it will stay like this, but I think so.